Monday, May 12, 2014


July 2010
So I've been studying about faith lately...I just have been feeling like I need to learn more about it. Faith is an interesting's something that I've learned all my life about, and something that I taught people about for 18 months...but it's still something that I need to have more of.
Faith is an action word; it doesn't mean that I hope something will happen, and then I sit back and wait for it to happen; it mean that I do something about it. The question now is, "what?" Life...doesn't exactly always go the way we plan; actually, it usually goes the way we don't plan (which is a little rough for "planners" and "perfectionists" like me), but faith means that I trust that what Heavenly Father has planned for me is what will happen, and that He knows what best for me, even I don't think that's what's best, and then continuing forward, doing what He expects of me, and more, all the while also doing what I can to progress.
So why is faith so hard??? In the Bible it says, "we walk by faith, not by sight"...Heavenly Father wants us to trust in Him, and to rely on Him

May 2014
Faith is what keeps us moving forward from day to day; its not a perfect knowledge, but you still hope for things even though you cannot see them.
I have faith in a lot things - faith that I can live with my family again after this life, faith that I will be taken care of if I do what I know I should do, faith that I will be guided to make that correct choices in my life.
But, lately, I've lacked the faith that I will ever find my eternal companion; and (I've realized recently) that this lack of faith has led me to be (subconsciously) angry with God - I feel like I'm a good person, I do what He has asked of me, served faithfully in my callings, and so why should a righteous desire such as finding my eternal companion not be realized?
I found this quote recently by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: "Expecting a trouble-free life because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge you because you are a vegetarian." For some reason, I found this quote to be very helpful; I've been struggling a lot lately - life isn't turning out according to my plan A, nor, necessarily, my plan B...I don't really know what my plan C looks like, but I think I've kinda given up trying to make my own plans. In stake conference a couple weeks ago, a girl gave a talk about the Lord's plan A, and how His plan A is always the best plan, no matter how far away it is from our own plan A.
I'm re-learning (learning for the first time? I don't know if I ever really learned this really and truly) to have faith in the Lord's plan and in His timing. It's a VERY difficult thing to do - I like to plan things out (I just made myself a 2 year calendar, for crying out loud!), and I can't see where I'm going, or even where He wants me to go
But I know that He loves me, that He wants the best for me, and that He will take care of me. That's what faith is, to me - not knowing anything else, except those three things, and walking into the dark because I know those three things - He loves, He wants what's best for me, and that He'll take care of me.

I'm grateful for technology

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in my living room, looking up recipes, and all of the sudden some pop-ups appeared on my computer. I knew immediately that, somehow, my computer had contracted a virus. This was my brand new computer that I had bought for myself for Christmas - the first computer that I had ever purchased for myself, and it's kind of like my baby - I love it! I love the little things that it can do, I love that it's a touch screen, I love that I can fold it all the way back and it can become a tablet. There are so many things that I love about it that I can't tell you what they all are; but I love it, and when I realized that it had a virus, I immediately took it in to get the viruses off. It cost me $200 (so much for having my credit card all paid off...), and it took several days (which is several more days than I was hoping), but I finally have my wonderful, lovely computer back :) and I'm very (superficially) grateful for that!

Friday, April 25, 2014

I am grateful for...

Today, there's not something specific that I am grateful for, I'm just grateful for today, and everything that it encompassed :)

I had a good heart-to-heart with one of my students, and I feel like we actually reached an understanding; I actually went to the bank and asked about getting pre-approved for a loan (didn't actually get very much information, but hey! I made it to the bank!); I went and hung out with some friends that I haven't seen in a while, and a nice, cute guy came and sat next to me :)

All in all, I came home smiling today, which has been a rare occasion lately

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'm grateful for sleep and for friends

So yesterday I fell asleep at 5:30 I didn't get to write

But I did get to sleep for about 12 hours, which actually really made a difference in my teaching today...I should really get more sleep in my life!

And today I am really grateful for my friends :) I've had a rough go at life lately, but I'm so grateful for my friends who I can talk to, and they understand and sympathize

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm grateful for technology

This year marks 10 years since I graduated from high school...which also means that, minus a few months here and there, its been 10 years since I've live at home! I love my independence - I love doing my own thing, making my own decisions, being in charge of my life, but!! I am so incredibly grateful that I can call my mom whenever I want :) I'm grateful that, even though I live hundreds (maybe even thousands...?) of miles away from my parents, I still have the ability to call them, or contact them in various ways, and they can still be my parents, and help me in ways that only a parent could.

Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm grateful for the priesthood

I am sure that, several times, over the course of however long I post the various things that I am grateful for, I will post something that is related to the gospel - possibly several times, and for varying reasons, depending on the circumstances that I find myself in over the course of my life.

But, at this current moment in my life, I am grateful for the priesthood - I am grateful to have a father, and brothers who hold the priesthood, who are worthy do act in God's name here on earth, to do the things that He would do if He were here. I'm grateful for the peace that comes from being able to access the priesthood power in my life. I strive to always have access to the power of the priesthood, and to be worthy to be able to partake of such a gift and blessing.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

What am I grateful for?

I've decided to use my blog to post what are the various things that I am grateful for - 1 thing, every day, long as I can keep it up :) 

What am I grateful for today? Today is April 20, 2014 - Easter Sunday 
Today (and for many many days in the recent past) I am extremely grateful for my family; along with that, I'm grateful to know that we are an eternal family. Because Jesus Christ was willing to suffer in the Garden, and die on the cross, and was resurrected again, I have the opportunity to be with my family, not only in this life, but for all eternity. My family is always there for me - when I'm up, when I'm down, when I'm sideways. This year has been rough, and long, and my family, even though they aren't here in the town that I live in, I know that they are only a phone call (or even a 20 min car ride) away. This has been what I've been most grateful for recently, and I have no doubt that I will continue to be immensely grateful for them all for many days, months, and years to come.