Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My first post

So I'm taking a technology class for my major so that I can know how to use technology in the classroom...whenever I finally get out there...and one of the assignments is that we have to create a blog! So here I am!! :)

I like technology...I spend actually quite a bit of time using technology, usually my computer; I rarely go anywhere without it...and my family makes fun of me a little for that...mostly my brother ;) From this course I hope to learn how to better apply what I know about technology into the classroom setting so that I can better help the students that I teach learn in a more effective way that is appropriate for their level of learning.

For my extra gadgets, I chose to put a slide show of sunsets on one side (which may be changed in the future to pictures of my family and friends), and a headline news gadget at the top. I chose these because I love pictures, and I like to see things and share things that make me happy, and, for the headlines, well, I don't read the news a whole lot, I usually just catch what I see on-line; so I figured I'd put the news here so that other people and myself can know what's going on around the world :)


  1. Looks good Jessica! You might consider including the 'Followers' gadget so people can follow your blog also. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Danny Young

  2. Hello, Jessica!

    Remember me? I'm the one you helped last week. Since you helped me, I'm going to share an outside blog with you. Here's what I found. Hopefully this link works. Enjoy!
