Sunday, November 13, 2011


October was a bittersweet month...

In October I finished my student teaching at Ecker Hills Middle School up in Park City. I always thought that I would be a high school teacher when all was said and done...middle schoolers made me nervous. But I truly loved the middle schools and teaching those kids! There were so warm and loving, so excited about learning, and at least they were excited about life. I was very sad to leave.

The week right before Halloween, I started at Copper Hill High School out in West Jordan. I'm teaching interior design, clothing1 and sports sewing, and this week, I'll pick up adult roles/financial literacy, and Foods 1. The high schoolers are so different from the middle schoolers - a lot more apathy, less warm and waaay less excited about life and learning...and all that has been really difficult for me. I've decided that I would rather have to discipline the middle schoolers and calm them down a bit than motivate the high schoolers.
Don't get me wrong - there are some high schoolers that are super cute, and sweet, and I guess I should just focus on those ones and make the next 3 1/2 weeks focused on them, and life will be better.

Halloween was fun; I really wanted to be Elphaba from Wicked...I actually wanted to be her last year, but I couldn't find any green tights, so I settled for being a Christmas tree (I know...kinda lame...); but this year, I found the green tights!!!! I was sooo excited!!!! So excited actually, that I forgot to really pay attention to what size they were... :/
We had a stake Halloween party for my YSA stake, and so I curled my hair, put on my clothes, and then put on my tights...only to realize that they weren't long enough - they only went to about my butt...but it was the night of the party, and I didn't have time to go find another costume, and I really wanted to be Elphaba, so I found some safety pins, and pinned the tights to my other clothing and set out the door. This might have been fine...until I had to sit down in my car to drive to the party...and then the party was a dance, and the jumping around was...well, definitely not good for my situation...needless to say I only stayed for about an hour, and then I left and promptly took off the tights.
I did get to dress up for school, but I wasn't going to risk my tights falling down in high I got footie pajamas instead, put my hair in pigtails and went as a little kid. It was fun - I really like that costume (which is why, in the last 7 years, that's been my costume for 3, and the 2 years I was on my mission, I didn't dress up...)

In other news, in 3 1/2 weeks, I'll be a college graduate!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soo excited!! Mostly I'm excited to be done, and that I'll be able to say that I did this, but the idea of getting a "big girl" job is VERY frightening to me...I'll keep you guys posted; hopefully by the next time I blog, I will have applied to a few jobs...

Wish me luck!